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Girl of Nightmares
Kendare Blake
Fire and Ash
Jonathan Maberry
Shadowlands - Kate Brian 4 double chocolate chip cookies.Cover Love:I love the colors of this cover, but I think it makes the story seem like it would have a supernatural bent to it.Why I Wanted to Read This:I was in the mood for a suspenseful serial killer type novel. This one fit the bill!Romance?: Not really.My Thoughts:I wasn't sure I wanted to read this one because the title and the cover (birds!) makes it seem like there is a supernatural element, but there really isn't. This a good old-fashioned suspense book (however, the second one could be more supernaturally).There is a big twist. And I had to try and figure it out before I got to it, I was wrong. I am not going to say anything more about that except that it ends on a cliff hanger and made me anxious to read the next one!read the rest of this review on my blog.